If you want to ensure you carpets are kept clean and looking new this wet season, then Scotch Guard protection is the way to go.
On the Gold Coast we normally have two seasons; wet and dry, although you wouldn’t know that lately because we haven’t had much rain here. However, it is the beginning of the wet season.
With moisture in the air and mud on the ground, it means carpets get soiled a lot quicker. Humidity means that the soils get absorbed into the carpet a lot more readily than dry soils that are being walked into your carpet.
So a good way to help you protect and prolong the life of your carpet is to firstly start with matting. Make sure you have a mat at your front door or foyer area. This will give people an opportunity to wipe their feet before they come inside.
Another way to keep your carpets protected is by making sure shoes are off. Some people are reluctant to ask guests to take their shoes off. Although, if you and your household take their shoes off and leave them at the front door, your visitors are likely to follow your lead and take their shoes off too. This will help immensely to keep your carpets clean.
The third avenue which really does prolong your carpet and makes it more difficult to soil, is applying Carpet Protection.
Carpet Protection gives you a little more opportunity to keep the stains out. You will even find that the dry soils don’t penetrate the fibres as much, once they have a protective coating which is like a ‘Teflon’ protection. It is also much easier to vacuum dry soils out of carpets that are protected.
I would recommend you do at least one if not all three of these things to extend the life of the carpet in your home.
Contact us at PHJ Services to get your carpets protected today and to find out about our great prices!