Ever wondered how the experts remove the tough-to-get-rid-of stains from your carpets?how to remove pet urine. Here we share our professional and proven techniques to get rid of stains for good!
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DIY Tip #1 – Removing Red Wine Stains from your Carpet
To remove red wine from your carpet, immediately cover the spilled wine with an absorbent powder (salt or talcum powder are both excellent choices) and leave overnight.red-wine-stain-removal-carpet-cleaning-miami-gold-coast.
The following day vacuum away the powder and inspect the stain.
If it requires further removal, soak a small piece of cloth in warm – not hot – water.
Using a dabbing or blotting motion, work inwards from the edge of the stain to prevent it spreading.
Do not over-wet – excessive soaking may cause rings on the surface, spreading the stain further and may also damage the carpet, fabric or bedding.
Do not rub – rubbing will spread the stain over a larger area and may distort the surface texture of the wool product. If the water fails to completely remove the wine mark from the carpet, fabric or bedding, remove excess moisture from the treated area with non-coloured paper towels, tissues or absorbent cloths.

DIY Tip #2 – Removing Chewing Gum from your Carpet
To remove chewing gum from your carpet, gently lift off as much gum as you can with a knife or spoon then apply with ice in a zip lock bag.how to remove chewing gum from carpet
This ice ‘freezes’ the gum so that it becomes brittle and easier to chip away from the surface of the carpet, fabric or bedding.
Once the gum has been removed, rinse by applying clear, tepid water using a small piece of non-coloured sponge or clean, white cloth, again working inwards from the edge of the affected area.
Do not rub.
Remove excess moisture with non-coloured paper towels, tissues or clean, absorbent cloths.
Hasten drying by placing a clean cloth on top of the area and blow dry with a fan or reversed cycle vacuum nozzle.
When your wool product is completely dry, brush gently to restore pile.
#3 DIY Tip – Removing Candle Wax from your Carpet
To remove candle wax from your carpet, first dampen a white cotton towel; fold it in half and place it over the wax.remove candle wax from carpet
Press an iron set on “high” over the towel for 10 seconds.
The heat will draw the wax out of the carpet and into the towel.
Repeat until the wax is gone (you may have to hold the iron in place for up to 30 seconds).

#4 DIY Tip – Removing Nail Polish from your Carpet
To remove nail polish stains from your carpet, first blot up as much of the nail polish as you can with a clean cloth.how to remove nail polish stain on carpet
Soak a small piece of cloth in nail polish remover and, using a dabbing or blotting motion, work inwards from the edge of the stain to prevent it spreading.
Do not over-wet – excessive soaking may cause rings on the surface, spreading the stain further and may also damage the carpet, fabric or bedding.
Do not rub – rubbing will spread the stain over a larger area and may distort the surface texture of the wool product.
Once the cleansing agent has removed the stain, blot up excess moisture from the treated area by applying pressure with non-coloured paper towels, tissues or dry absorbent cloths.